Sunday, April 15, 2012

Bookplate 3

Here it is!!

The Night Tourist by Katherine Marsh

    The Night Tourist by Catherine Marsh is a great paranormal read.When Jack Perdu is hit by a car, it leaves him with some…unusual…abilities. He can now see spirits! He meets a ghost (named Euri) with a dark past who quickly befriends him and shows him the New York Underworld. However, Jack quickly becomes trapped and lost. He soon discovers that after three days & nights, the Underworld becomes too much of a strain on the living body and any mortal would die, even with a ghost (Hi, Euri!) leading him.
    This is a fantastic book. If you enjoy it, take out the sequel, The Twilight Prisoner, from your local library.

 Click here to visit the author's website.

--A.S. :)